
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blood Thickens, WHY?

Blood thickens, WHY?
There is one question that came into my mailbox, that is' Why should drink
white water a lot ..? "
Well, actually the answer is 'horrible' but because a
honest question must be answered honestly, then that topic could be explained as follows:

Approximately 80% of the human body consists of water.

In fact, there are some parts of our bodies that have water levels above 80%. Two
The most important organ with moisture content above 80% are:
Brain and blood. !!

The brain has a component of water by 90%,
While the water component of blood has 95%.

Ration drinking is a normal human being at least 2 liters a day or 8 glasses

The number of the above must be added if you are a smoker.

That much water is needed to replace the fluid that came out of the body
we are passing urine, sweat, respiration, and secretion.
What happens if we consume less than 2 liters a day ...?

Of course the body will balance itself. How ...?
By the way 'suck' water from the body parts of the brain sendiri.Dari ...?

Not until segitunya (wihh. .. imagine the brain becomes dry gimana ...),
but from the nearest source: Blood. !!

Blood is sucked water will be thick.
As a result of this blood coagulation, the journey will be less well
than the dilute.

As I passed the kidney (which remove toxins from the blood)
Kidney will work extra hard to filter blood.
And because the kidneys filter the fine, not less viscous blood could
cause perobekan the renal glomerulus.

As a result, your urine reddish, signs began leaking sieve
kidney. If allowed to continue, you may someday have to spend
Rp 400,000 a week for dialysis

Eh, I've been talking about the brain, right ...?

Well thick as blood flow to the brain through, the journey somewhat hampered.
The brain is no longer 'thin', and because brain cells are the most wasteful
consume food and oxygen,

Slow blood flow can cause brain cells to die quickly or
not working properly .. (yes the name is also naturally less
meal ...)

If this is coupled with heart disease (which also adds weight work
when the blood thickens ...), then a stroke can more quickly come

Now living you choose: to 'investment' by drinking at least 8
glasses a day-or-'pay interest' through the pain of kidney or stroke.

You who choose ...!

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